About the Platform

The new technologies that have emerged have changed our everyday life. Governments, regions and municipalities, businesses and international organizations adapt everyday to the increasing demand for information which they freely provide, use and process. The Region of Central Greece could not stay out of such a development. For the first time we introduce tools that allow the access of all citizens to the data and information of the Region so that they will be able to use, evaluate and utilize them.

We are addressing every citizen who wishes to check the government of the Region in terms of its finances, revenue, expenditure, salaries, allocation of resources, services etc., while information will constantly be enriched through this webpage. The data is available to every researcher, journalist, entrepreneur, civil organization, public body or anyone wishing to utilize it, give ideas or point out mistakes or omissions in the operation of the Region.

The right of each citizen to be aware of and have access to public information is guaranteed by the Constitution and the legislation which has recently been brought in line with the European legislation. The unhindered access of the citizens to public information is combined with the principles of open government and good law-making process so that the citizens are aware of everything that is happening and that concerns them, and so that public services move towards the existing social needs of the 21st century and adapt to them.

In the framework of the strategy “Smart Sterea” the goal of the Region of Central Greece is to combine open data with better services for the citizens and the businesses, to create innovative applications for the everyday life of the citizens, to become more effective, to pay more attention to the problems and to bring together municipalities, regions, citizens, businesses and citizens' actions for the common good.

Trial mode

Η υπηρεσία θα εμπλουτίζεται διαρκώς με ανοικτά δεδομένα της Περιφέρειας τα οποία ειναι χρήσιμα στην κοινωνία και στην οικονομία. Μπορείτε να προτείνετε νέα δεδομένα καθώς και ιδέες αξιοποίησης τους μέσα από την πλατφόρμα διαβουλέυσεων

Διαδικτυακές Εφαρμογές